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myAzan Free

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Notifications for Islamic prayer times

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myAzan Free is an indispensable tool crafted to ensure you consistently observe the five Islamic daily prayers. With a user-friendly design that includes Islamic artistic motifs, the app provides accurate prayer schedules and sends timely automatic notifications for prayer times.

The primary function of the platform is to help users maintain the discipline of Islamic daily prayers with customizable reminders. It features contemporary components such as three stylish widgets showcasing the upcoming prayer time, all five prayer times, and the current Hijri date.

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Flexibility is key with the system's notifications; they allow for a mix of sounds, vibrations, and azan, all of which users can tailor to their liking. Depending on one's daily activities, the notifications can be set for a full azan for most prayers and perhaps a vibration alert for others.

Adding your location is a straightforward process with two methods: either select your city from an extensive list spanning over 150 countries and 10,500 cities or have the game pinpoint your location using GPS or data connection.

The game offers detailed personalization of prayer times, encompassing several calculation methods and tweaks for high latitude areas, to guarantee precise timings. Other features include a Hijri calendar with adjustment settings, a Qiblah direction indicator, and options for time formats.

Being Android-compatible, it is designed to incorporate seamlessly into your mobile experience with minimal battery usage. The app is always evolving, introducing new features to enhance user experience and broaden its functionality.

If myAzan Free proves to be beneficial, consider showing your support by obtaining the full version. Users are encouraged to explore its features, engage with timely prayer, and share constructive feedback to help foster its growth.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Firdaus Apps.

Information about myAzan Free 2.3

Package Name com.firdausapps.myazan.free
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
1 more
Author Firdaus Apps
Downloads 3,890
Date Jun 21, 2015
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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